John F. Green
1859 - unknown

John F. Green remains a mystery. All we know is that his name appears along with Harry Welles Rusk, Charles W. Kennard, William H. A. Maupin, and Col. Washington Bowie on the incorporation papers of the Kennard Novelty Company of Baltimore, Maryland dated October 30th 1890. With the last name of Green one can imagine it is much like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, we think we are on the right track. Below is a short biography located in the 1902 Maryland Manual. This John Green served in the House of Delegates representing Baltimore County. A political background and a birth date of 1859 make him an excellent candidate for our John Green. We are currently working with various historical organizations to verify if this indeed the John Green we are looking for. If have any information regarding John Green please click here and let us know.

"JOHN GREEN, Democrat.
Mr. Green was born in 1859, and educated in the private schools of Baltimore and Bryant and Stratton's Business College. For several years he was book-keeper and salesman for different firms, and later conducted a grocery business. He is now engaged in farming and trucking at Walnut Grove.

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